1 - Improvement

  • Added the "identifier" column when exporting the reporting lost.

  • Added rules to adjust the Facebook Messenger channel to Facebook policies. 

  • Added the documentation of SZ.chat the possibility to consult the quantities of messages, calls and HSM used by each team, in a syntactic and analytical way, making the details divided by agents and teams. To find this information, just go to the option about > documentation, and within the documentation go to Relatório > Atendimento Business 

2- Integration

  • Changes in the opening of OS for the Thyssenkrupp integration.

  1. In the API user field, the CPF number must be sent when the user is identified in our database or the User name must be informed if it is not found in the database.
  2. In the API "phone" field, the device number (WhatsApp channel identifier) that has been contacted by the WhatsApp channel should always be used.

3 - 


  • Fixed bugs and made adjustments related to the performance of the SZ.chat platform;

Attention: to access the administrative screen and the agent screen at the same time, it is necessary to use the anonymous tab to authenticate to one of the screens.